Code to generate PDG web page AtomicNuclearProperties and more Don Groom Version 8 11 March 2014 This describes mudedxN.for, a somewhat malignant FORTRAN program which creates all of AtomicNuclearProperties except for index.html and several explanatory files. As of March 2014, the version number N is 7. It calculates tables of dE/dx for muons (including radiative contributions), writes web pages for AtomicNuclearProperties for the 340+ materials in the data file, and writes other output files. It has received concentrated attention sporadically, generally to add new features. Needless to say, it doesn't look very designed, and my successors may curse me. It is fluent in several languages. The main code is in FORTRAN, compiled with g77 on a linux machine. Some auxillary patch codes are in IDL. Output are \TeX, HTML, and TEXT. As time goes on, users will want more materials added to the data file, atomic masses updated, and many more properties such as melting and boiling points, refractive indices, etc. will need to be added to the data file. The code might be improved (for instance, it doesn't calculate stopping power for beta < 0.4, or 10 MeV for a muon). It is my hope that this writeup, plus comments scattered through the programs, can act as an "instruction manual" for whoever is saddled with the maintenance and improvement of AtomicNuclearProperties in the future. 1. OVERVIEW If you are not familiar with the files generated by this code, explore Each local link from its home page or tables connects to a table, pdf file, or text file generated by by mudedxN. The table gives properties of the material, and has links to tables of stopping power generated by the code and outside links to isotopes and gamma attenuation data (NIST). The code also writes \TeX tables of muon dEdx(T) and a computer-readable text file for each material. (T is the kinetic energy.) It was modified in early 2008 to add pion interaction and collision lengths and to make its html files less sensitive to platform. It was changed in Feb 2009 to print effective ionization potentials in the main tables. In 2012 the section of html_include.for for new treatment of Z .ge. 112 elements, and to write source files for making .ps and .pdf files from the \TeX files. At this time it was called version 7. Data for a given material comes from PROPERTIES/propertiesN.dat This gawdawful fixed format evolved. A real database would be far better, but FORTRAN and I are limited. There was a massive upgrade in going from properties7.dat to properties8.dat, along with detailed changes almost everywhere in the code. The 2nd line of properties7.dat and its predecessors became 2 lines in properties8.dat, implementing better page headers and getting rid numeric html filenames; 008.html became oxygen_gas.html, etc. See Properties8_Key.pdf. The entries are numbered, I think consecutively, starting with 001 (hydrogen_gas). Although arbitrary, much of the code uses the index numbers, so they are important. Many of the files in /public_html/AtomicNuclearProperties have been copied from /dedx. They are not necessarily the most current. Because FORTRAN hates \TeX's backslash character, it is compiled with g77 -fno-backslash -o mudedx8 mudedx8.for e.g. for version 8. This not-memorable command can be copied from the beginning of mudedx8.for. The code is in a directory which I call 'dedx' but which can be anything. There are 8 subdirectories, for code, input data, and output. Subdirectory PROPERTIES contains the sacred properties8.dat and FORTRAN code to load common block matprop with the complete content of properties8.dat. There are lots of subdirectories and code to do useful things, such as create a new entry for Much of it is in IDL. 2. ORIGINS The code was originally written to generate the tables in D.E. Groom, N.V. Mokhov, and S.I. Striganov, "Muon stopping-power and range tables, 10 MeV-100 TeV,'' Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 78, 183-356 (2001), where nearly-identical tables for many of the materials are given. The only part of this book which is useful is the discussion of stopping power for muons in materials. Sergei Striganov contributed the radiative losses part of the code. All but the tables are linked from index.html 3. MAIN PROGRAM Call is './mudedxN materials.dat', where the materials list materials.dat is discussed below. mudedx6.for is presently (12/20/2012) 603 lines. Of this, 56 lines are setup, then 'subroutine onetable' is called for each material in the list. 'onetable' includes SACRED/texheader A 158 line segment (not a subroutine) 'SACRED/tex_include.for' is included to do the heavy lifting in writing the \TeX files. A 507 line segment (not a subroutine) 'SACRED/html_include.for' is included to write the html files and the source files for making .ps and .pdf files out of the \TeX files generated by the FORTRAN code. The many subrouties are discussed below 4. SUBDIRECTORIES Needed for input data: PROPERTIES contains the allegemeine data file propertiesN.dat, code for reading it, and propertiesN.common, which gives most subroutines access to all the variables read from propertiesN.dat, plus 2 FORTRAN routines. "fetchproN.for" puts the content of "properties8.dat" (presently 2335 lines) into propertiesN.common, and writes atomic_wts.dat each time the program is executed. "adndt_stern.for" generates density effect corrections if they are missing from the properties entry. Note that the data file *must* provide I_eff. (But see PROPERTIES/NEW_MATERIALS) MUBDAT_16feb07 b values for the elements, needed to calculate muon radiative losses for all materials. The tables can be regenerated with Sergei's make_mub_16feb08.for, which has had several revisions over the years. FORTRAN code used by mudedxN.for: SACRED 15 key routines and Sergei's directions for calculating nuclear interaction and collision lengths. Some of the *.for files are code inclusions rather than subroutines. Cross sections for inelastic and total collisions come from subroutine SIGHA (nuclear_sergei.for). STRINGS String manipulation tools, mostly developed by Gary Wagman and/or Orin Dahl to manipulate strings (duh!). PROPERIES fetchproN.for loads the common block with data from propertiesN.dat Output: MUE \TeX and .dat files for muon dedx/energy. i Plus make_muon_eloss_files, generated in html_include.for Source it to make the .ps and .pdf , and to clean up the place. Original \TeX files are moved to TEXSOURCE. The .dat files are the computer-readable ascii versions (TEXT). The first line of all the *.tex files is \input /home/sierra/deg/texstd/mtexsis because texsis is not installed on my machine. Either delete these 1200 lines, or modify mudedx8.for and run it again. So delete line 66 in tex_include.for and line 156 (or whatever they are now) in getbval2.for, compile, run. MUB \TeX and .dat files for the muon b coefficients, e.g. muB_name.tex or muB_name.dat As above, source make_muonb_files to make the .ps and .pdf files and clean up the place. Again note that line 1 of \TeX files probably won't run or be useful on other machines. It is important to note that the source files for processing files in MUE and MUB are generated by mudedxN. In the main directory is makepspdf_movetopublic_source which not only executes these source files but copies all of it to AtomicNuclearProperties. THIS (PROBABLY) MUST BE CHANGED WHEN MOVING THE CODE TO ANOTHER COMPUTER. HTML Files of the form name.html, where name is descriptive string such as oxygen_gas. PROTON_ELOSS Just like muonloss_nnn.dat, except for protons: protloss_nnn.dat. Made in Sept 2000, for most of the elements and common materials, 118 files total. Useful for comparing muon eloss and proton eloss. Somewhat screwed up in format - always gives Z, even for non-elements. Reference, not active. Incidental output files (in main directory) PROPERIES/atomic_wts.dat extracted from propertiesN.dat by fetchproN.for, for the use of getbval2.for. substances.out list of html commands for editing into AtomicNuclearProperties/index.html (for the pull-down menus). RPP.out mv or cp to RPP.body if it's safe. Longer explanation below. InterLength.out Dump of Z, A, density, dEmin, X0, lam_I, lam_pi_I, E_c(electron), E_c(positron), and state for the chemical elements, for use in making plots etc. Some repeat entries because of different physical states for some elements. 5. USAGE If you are generating tables for less than everything, you probably want to empty what's there: \rm HTML/*.html \rm MUB/muB_* \rm MUE/muE_* Call to generate everything for a list of materials is ./mudedx8 mat_table_name.list where 'mat_table_name.list' is the input file telling it which substances to do. It starts (i4) with ind, the index of the material. The rest of the identifier might be useful to the user but unused by the program e.g. > more short.dat 110 Anthracene 78 Platinum 301 26 Iron,probably > Probably will want to use elements.list inorganics.list organics.list and short lists temp.list to generate the appropriate kinds of output. mat_table.dat to generate everything RPP.dat See RPP* in the output section below. There are usually also short special-purpose *.dat files lying around, as well as some .pro (IDL) files. There are other special files. Look before you delete. ESPECIALLY, be careful with InterLength* Source table of properties is the sacred 'PROPERTIES/propertiesN.dat' The obscure format is explained in 'PROPERTIES/propertiesN.common', and the syntax in PROPERTIES/Properties6_Key.pdf (Sorry; it grew, and besides I was stuck with fixed-format FORTRAN.) Chemical formula notation is explained in note [1] at end. Directions for adding a new material are given in note [3] at end. (There is no note [2] I think.) OUTPUTS: On execution of './mudedx7 something.dat' tables get loaded into these directories with the output for whatever index numbers is in 'something.dat' RPP.out \TeX source file to make Table 6 in RPP. To do this, (a) Run the code with the .dat file with just the stuff you want in Table 6; at the moment this is called RPP.dat (b) \cp RPP.out RPP.body (c) Run RPP.tex (d) After editing: combine solid/liquid lines to have RPP format. (This affects only density and sometimes refractive index.) Remove and/or edit most chemical formulae so that the table fits on one page in portrait format. 6. SUBROUTINES, FUNCTIONS, AND CODE SEGMENTS INCLUDED BY MUDEDX8.FOR 'PROPERTIES/fetchpro8.for' 'PROPERTIES/adndt_stern.for' 'SACRED/btot.for' ! interpolates to find btot etc for given energy 'SACRED/dedx2.for' ! basic electronic dedx routine 'SACRED/dedxmin2.for' ! iterates to find minimum, using dedx2 'SACRED/etex.for' ! writes E format as TeX string 'SACRED/mucrit.for' ! iterates to find muon crit energy 'SACRED/linestr.for' ! assembles ascii string of real numbers in TeX 'SACRED/getbval2.for' ! form weight-fraction weighted b values 'SACRED/X0_recip.for' 'SACRED/nuclear_sergei.for' 'SACRED/alfnum.for' 'SACRED/dedx_ep.for' C PDG string manipulation routines from Orin 27jun06 C gconstn.for gimplic.for sindex.f slength.f slower.f ssubsti.f supper.f 'STRINGS/ssubsti.f' 'STRINGS/slength.f' 'STRINGS/sindex.f' 'STRINGS/sfirst_don.f' 'STRINGS/slower.f' PDG string manipulation routines in main directory: gconstn.for gimplic.for sindex.f slength.f ssubsti.f Some of the subroutines also input code strings. Also needs PROPERTIES/properties8.common: PROPERTIES/properties8.dat This is the most sacred data file from which *all* information about the materials is found. Make frequent backups if editing it. The obscure and mysterious format is explained in properties3.common (sorry, it grew) 7. OTHER ROUTINES: make_mat_table.for To make file mat_table.out listing all the materials in properties8.dat in the format that mudedx8 wants. Pieces of this can be edited into the 'mat_table_name' file for mudedx8. E.g. elements01-20.dat. Only advantage over a list of numbers from 1 to NMAT (1 in i4 format) is the explanatory text, which is ignored but makes it easier to rea. alfz.for Short test program to understand how to make format entry such as //fmtsig// plot_nuclear.for Sergei's program to test the generation of nuclear interaction and collision lengths IDL program to make plot of nuclear interaction and collision lengths for explain.html in AtomicNuclearProperties gconstn.for is a relic of some kind; looks like Sergei's but is not refered to anywhere IDL routine to take substances.for and sort it into files for E(lement), I(norganic), etc. for use in making the pulldown menus for the main AtomicNuclearProperties/index.html. Some reordering is needed, and a few silly substances should be dropped. 9. ADDING A NEW MATERIAL (at end of properties3.dat) First make a backup of propertiesN.dat, of course. You MUST come up with a reasonable excitation potential. Best treatment is in Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 78, 183-356 (2001), ICRU37 (Photocopy of this elusive mss. is in Groom's office, or was.) Also see D.E. Groom, N.V. Mokhov, and S.I. Striganov, ``Muon stopping-power and range tables, 10 MeV--100 TeV,'' Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 78, 183-356 (2001). The relevant parts are in AtomicNuclearProperties/adndt.pdf (37 pages), linked to the main AtomicNuclearData page. Now we need the Sternheimer coefficients. fetchpro6.for checks to see if the next entry on the 3rd line (cbar, the first Sternheimer coefficient) is zero; if so, it generates the them, using subroutine adndt_stern.for Not as accurate as more expert calculations/measurements of I. HOWEVER, IDL routines exist in PROPERTIES/NEW_MATERIALS to make all this "easy." See note [3] below. 10. FINAL PROCESSING .ps and .pdf files need generated from the .tex files. After this, the *.dvi and *.log files need deleted, and *.tex moved to TEXSOURCE. This is done by sourcing the first few lines of makepspdf_movetopublic_source When working on my computer, I keep the "working" copy of AtomicNuclearProperties in /home/sierra/deg/public_html/AtomicNuclearProperties/ You should change this to whatever you like. See the rest of source file 'makepspdf_movetopublic_source' In this case I wanted to start out with \rm so that only the new pages are added. That way I can pass just the new/revised material to Piotr. NOTES: [1] Notation for subscripts in chemical formulae is like C#4%H#10%, where '#' means 'begin subscript' and '%' means 'end subscript.' When writing TeX file, the code replaces "#" by '\sub{' replaces '%' by '}' and when writing HTML file the code replaces "#" by '' replaces '%' by ' [2] Lost in history. [3] Adding new material. > cd PROPERTIES/NEW_MATERIALS Read AAREADME, skipping steps 1-3 unless atomic numbers or I_eff's have changed. Look at/run It uses Bragg addition to estimate Ieff. The input file, e.g. LaBr3.dat, looks like LaBr3 Lanthanam bromide [LaBr%3#] 5.29 La 1 Br 3 2nd line is the density. Rest is obvious from the propertiesN.dat entry: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ind LaBr3 5 -1.0000000000 0.42787 5.2900e+00 5.2900e+00 S 2 1 1 I lanthanum_bromide lanthanum bromide (LaBr%3#) 454.5 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00000 0.0000 0.00 57 1.000000 0.366875 35 3.000000 0.633124 Note: Ieff calculated using the ICRU37 algorithm given in Table 5.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add the (unique) index number (ind) by hand; append to propertiesN.dat