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in the 2002 Review of Particle Physics

Please use this CITATION: K. Hagiwara et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 66, 010001 (2002) (bibtex format)

Cut-off date for this update was January 2002.

Complete list of Reviews found in the Gauge and Higgs Boson Listings.


PostScript:  gamma  gluon  graviton  W  Z  Higgs  Heavy Bosons  Axions

PDF:  gamma  gluon  graviton  W  Z  Higgs  Heavy Bosons  Axions

PostScript PDF (2 pages) gamma
PostScript PDF (1 page) g (gluon)
PostScript PDF (1 page) graviton
PostScript PDF (26 pages) W boson
PostScript PDF (70 pages) Z boson
PostScript PDF (42 pages) Searches for Higgs Bosons (H0 and H+-)
PostScript PDF (42 pages) Searches for Heavy Bosons (Other Than Higgs Bosons)
PostScript PDF (50 pages) Axions (and Other Very Light Bosons)

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PDG Home  Summary Tables  Reviews  Particle Listings


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